June 16, 2018 - 5:34PM
Todd was one of the very first people that ever trained with Adam and then ultimately with us at CrossFit Culver City (CFCC). When the news spread quietly at CFCC that Adam and I were going to open a new gym, Todd was the one who decided he wanted to be our first client.
I remember vividly, sitting at Versailles Cuban Restaurant down the street from where DogTown was going to be, with him and a couple other members excitedly breaking the news of DogTown CrossFit's birth. His immediate response was, “I want to be number 1.” Since then, Todd has been #1.
We have seen him through career changes, relationships, a ton of Weightlifting and Gymnastics and to me, Todd truly embodies all that is great about this place. He is a solid human who has enjoyed his hard work and contributed immensely to the community at DT.
Coach Dusty
Q: How long have you been doing CrossFit and what inspired you to start?
A: I’ve been doing CrossFit for just over 10 years now and actually fell into it by accident. I was interested in Krav Maga and noticed there was a gym opening up on Washington and Higuera in Culver City. A few days after that, I decided to pop in and see what it was all about. I remember talking to the co-owner, John, about the programming and he introduced me to his partner, Adam. Adam was building a CrossFit gym in the back and he showed me around the space. I had no idea what CrossFit was, but it honestly sounded way more interesting than Krav Maga. I wasn’t too into the mass-market gym model and Adam was a pretty good salesman haha. At this point, the gym wasn’t built yet, so Adam encouraged me to schedule some training sessions with him at his house (he had a whole setup in his garage). After a few intro classes, I was hooked and never really looked back.
Q: What was your fitness like before CrossFit?
A: I would wander around a globo-gym aimlessly, really not knowing what to do. I followed a few workout templates I picked up online, but the entire process seemed so isolated. I think I had always been looking for the fitness community that CrossFit eventually provided.
Q: What changes have you experienced since starting CrossFit?
A: I lost a good amount of weight prior to CrossFit, but once I started things went into overdrive. There have been some gaps in my ten years where I took a break and decided to do more cardio (gasp!), but I eventually wised up haha. I feel great and I’m constantly sore, but you know, the good kind of sore.
Q: What are you favorite movements and workouts and what are your least favorite?
A: Anything rooted in gymnastics has always been my favorite. Toes-to-bar, muscle-ups, handstands…it all takes a level of concentration and precision that fascinates me. My least favorite? Snatches ;)
Q: When you are not at CrossFit, what are you up to?
A: I like to travel as much as possible, I’m a sucker for a good brunch, and I’m usually tripping around the city with my fiancé, Jacob, looking for new adventures: concerts, art shows, plays, new restaurants…we like to dive into it all.
Q: What are your CrossFit goals?
A: I’d like to get back into the shape I was when I first started CrossFit. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels haha.
Q: What are two of your most proud CrossFit moments?
A: I would say the first time I got a muscle up is up there on the list. I’d been practicing after class for weeks until I finally got one. Second would be the first time we all competed together at UCLA (was years ago) for I think CrossFit Regionals? I mean this was back when cyborgs weren’t competing and we actually kind of stood a chance at being competitive. Doing things as a DogTown community in general has always been some of my fondest memories.
Q: Can you share a more humbling experience you have had at CrossFit and what you learned from it?
A: I’m a decently confident person and CrossFit has a way of putting everyone on the same playing field and really just leveling things out. CrossFit has certainly taught me my weaknesses, both mentally and physically, but it’s also made me more in touch with my strengths…I love it for that.
Q: What advice do you have for a newbie at DogTown?
A: I would say don’t get discouraged, come often, and have fun. If you aren’t having fun then what’s the point? Results will follow.
Q: What 2 things can you share with our DogTown family that they may not know about you?
A: Although I don’t play as much as I’d like, I’ve been golfing since I was 5.
I’m getting married in May 2019!
Q: If you could do a drop in to any box around the world, which would you pick?
A: I try and drop in to a CrossFit gym each time I travel, but if I could choose right now, I’d say some place tropical…Bali would be cool.