Coach Dusty

Q: What was your health and fitness like prior to CrossFit?
A: Prior to CrossFit, I worked out a few times a week at LA Fitness and did rock climbing at Hangar 18. I joined DogTown to gain strength for climbing. However, I ended up addicted to Crossfit so haven’t been climbing as much!
Q: How long have you been doing CrossFit and what inspired you to start?
A: I’ve been doing CrossFit for a little over 18 months. I started because I wanted to get stronger for climbing. I ended up putting rock climbing on hold and focused on CrossFit. The few times I’ve been back to rock climbing gyms, my results have been crazy different. I can climb at much higher levels due to strength. I still need to make it a priority again though along with CrossFit since I do love climbing too.
I now feel better at 32 years of age than I’ve ever felt in my life.
Q: What are your favorite movements and workouts and what are your least favorite?
A: Bar muscle ups or anything gymnastics based. Gymnastics is usually the highlight of my week when I’m in town! Love being upside down and focusing on movements and seeing actual results such as getting my first bar muscle up or ring muscle up! Favorite workouts are any that are short and brutal! I’m not the best at maintaining a pace.
Q: What is one of your most proud CrossFit moments and what is one of your more embarrassing ones?
A: Proudest CrossFit moment so far has been 10 consecutive bar muscle ups.
Most embarrassing was letting go of the bar doing toes-to-bar and almost hitting the electrical outlet. Letting go of the bar is not recommended from personal experience.
Q: What are your CrossFit goals?
A: To get stronger! Prior to CrossFit, I was skinny fat. I want to continue getting better at movements and overall just being healthy. Beyond that, 5 consecutive ring muscle ups and consistent handstand walking!
Editor’s Note: Jordan also aspires to beat Missy and Vanessa at workouts.
Q: You’ve been training 1:1 with Dusty once a week for the last few months. What have been the biggest changes and successes since?
A: Working with Dusty has been a highlight of my CrossFit experience. Over the past few months, I’ve seen a huge increase in mobility and overall strength. Beyond that, he inspires me to get better every day. It’s not about immediate results but becoming better little by little each day.
Q: You approach CrossFit with a solid work ethic and a no fear attitude. Where does that come from (and how can we all get that?)
A: Work ethic / no fear just comes from wanting to be better every day. I consistently record what I do each day at the gym so I can always look back on it and see where I can improve / be better. I’m just trying to be faster and stronger than I was the day before!
Q: Any advice you can give to a newbie at DogTown?
A: Be consistent! The pain of that first workout is temporary. If you stay consistent, you’ll consistently get better. Beyond that, set goals and work to achieve them!
Q: You are doing a Tough Mudder in November. Here’s your chance for a #shameless plug to persuade other members to participate. Go!
A: Nov.3 at Lake Elsinore. 10 miles. 20 obstacles. I had a bunch of friends going originally and they bailed because they hadn’t trained or anything like that. Come get muddy and hang out!
Q: : What 2 things can you share with our DogTown family that they may not know about you?
A: I’ve been skiing since I was two years old and it’s by far my favorite thing to do! I’ve also been to more than 30 countries in the past 4 years and hope to hit every country around the world eventually!