With only a week left in 2014 I want you to ask yourself, how do you want to bring in 2014? Up 5 pounds and feeling sluggish and trying to regain your motivation? Or ready to conquer your fitness goals and excited about what the upcoming year will bring?
Each January, roughly one in three Americans resolve to better themselves in some way. A much smaller percentage of people actually make good on those resolutions. While about 75% of people stick to their goals for at least a week, less than half (46%) is still on target six months later, a 2002 study found.
It's hard to keep up the enthusiasm months after you've swept up the confetti, but it's not impossible. This year, pick a worthy resolution that is important to you, and stick with it.
With only a few days left, use some of these techniques to get you through the rest of 2013 and ready to conquer 2014!

1.) Don’t stand near the hors d’oeuvres table! Take a few items, and then go as far away from them as possible! Don’t tempt yourself anymore than you need to be. To stay away from the appetizers complete, try chewing gum or a hard candy to save the unwanted calories.
2.) Instead of putting all your attention on the foods you shouldn’t eat, try re-focusing to emphasize what you should eat.
3.) Stick with majority of lean protein and veggies for your New Years dinner. Plus, it’ll be a lot harder to go overboard when you fill your body with low sugar, nutrient dense foods.
4.) Slow down! When you are distracted or rushed as you eat, you are less in touch with your body. This makes you much more likely to overeat, and then crave foods even after you’re full.
5.) One of the biggest obstacles to health during the holidays is the seemingly endless supply of warm sugary drinks. If holidays just aren’t the same without the eggnog (or peppermint hot-cocoa, or cinnamon-caramel latte, or whatever it is for you), go ahead and have a cup. Once you’ve had one, switch over to herbal tea.
Kristen Bell, Registered Dietitian
Kristen Bell is owner of KRR Consulting Services, and Registered Dietitian and Functional training specialist in the West Los Angeles area. She is a Sports Dietitian for the Red Bull team where she works with professional athletes to assist them in reaching the highest potential as an athlete through proper fueling, state of the art performance testing, and ongoing nutrition education.
Kristen provides the full package when it comes to getting her clients in the best shape possible. She faciliates nutrition coaching specializing in sports nutrition, weight loss, muscle gain, diabetes, high blood pressure, weight maintenance, and overall healthy lifestyles. If that is not enough, she is a personal trainer who pushes her clients to the limit and assists in their ability to achieve goals they never thought possible.
Who is Kristen Bell??
Kristen Bell has a strong love for fitness and prides herself on representing fitness and nutrition with passion and purpose. Growing up playing sports has shaped the person she is today, and she knew early on she wanted to be a professional in the health and fitness industry to use her passion to help others. She received her Bachelors Degree in Food Science Human Nutrition at Washington State University and is Registered by the American Dietetic Association with certifications in Adult Weight Management, Childhood Obesity, Insulin Resistance, and Functional Training. She has been involved with the team at the Pro Sports Club in Bellevue, Washington, which facilitates the most successful weight loss program in the United States. There she coached a wide variety of clients achieve weight loss results they didn't think were possible through diet and exercise alone. In addition, she led a children's weight loss program where she has given lifelong tools to enable a healthy family dynamic that make nutrition fun and educational.
Kristen has worked internationally in Melbourne, Australia and Vancouver, British Columbia to diversify her skill set and learn healthy ways of living among various cultures. It didn't take long for her to find her niche is Vancouver BC, where she took on the nutrition project in the nationwide female fitness challenge, Femsport. Not only did she help her opponents reach their potential with the proper diet and nutrition coaching, she competed herself and won back to back titles!
She loves to compete in various physical challenges and has been the Overall Winner in various competitions such as figure and fitness competition Washington State in 2007, Femsport All Strength and Fitness Challenge 2009 and 2010, and now has found her new passion for Crossfit and plans to compete in various competitions in 2013. Kristen has been involved in competitive sports her whole life and contributes her success to having a diet and training regime that helps her maintain an optimal standard of health.
What sets Kristen Apart?
Kristen is your personal wellness and nutrition coach that walks you through every step needed to help you live a life that is enjoyable and gratifying in all aspects. From grocery shopping, to cooking, to meal planning, Kristen is there to keep you accountable and be your support to keep your mind and body a strong unit for success. She enlightens individuals of all shapes and sizes the importance of exercise, whole foods, and proper supplementation necessary to surpass the standard nutrition level that has become the "norm" in our society and maximize the most of what we get out of life.